Kevin Ward

A seasoned veteran of the drilling industry, with 38 years of worldwide experience. As a petroleum engineer, he has conducted wellsite supervision drilling operations on 6 continents across 20 countries, encompassing conventional, high-angle, horizontal, and deep-water drilling and completion techniques. Ward is a recognized expert in directional drilling, with 28 years of experience in complex geometry drilling, including multi-laterals, extended reach, managed pressure drilling, and underbalanced drilling. Ward worked as an engineer for an independent exploration and production operator for 5 years and has served as a drilling and completion supervisor for intermediate and major oil companies in the United States since 2006, including extensive deep-water operations in the Gulf of Mexico.



Senior lead drilling supervisor on land and offshore deep-water operations maintaining a determined, operationally high performance team concentrated on successful HSE focused execution while precisely following engineering instructions in a collaborative, conservative and reliable approach to efficient operation delivery. Delivering high-quality, detailed and precise operational reporting and timeline for an extremely clear understanding of operational metrics, challenges and solutions.


Operations include wellbore pressure kills, slot recovery operations, cutting & retrieving production tubing strings, setting bridge plugs, balanced cement plugs, whipstock setting & casing window milling operations. Sidetracking operations with conventional and rotary steerable LWD tools employing managed pressure drilling techniques and equipment. Installing and cementing intermediate and deep production liners. Perforating and back-surge on target production zones. Installation of completion strings. Reinstallation and pressure testing of high-pressure wellheads prior to placing wellbores on active production.

Drilling & Completions

Uphole recompletions, slot recovery and side-tracking operations through integrated DWOP and CWOP planning with engineering, rig teams and contract drilling and completion services vendors to achieve and deliver successful results for project targets.

Planning & Reporting

Planning future drilling and completion project operations and logistics. Maintaining highly integrated and collaborative rig or platform operational details with drilling, completions or production teams including casing/tubulars, tools, personnel or offshore marine vessel planning and logistics, construction welding and crane operational and maintenance support.

Ward maintains required certifications for drilling supervision with IADC supervisor level well control, helicopter underwater escape training, active U.S. passport and TWIC card for US federal offshore water access.


38 years of experience


Texas Tech University

Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering

Officer - Society of Petroleum Engineers
Production Engineering Laboratory Instructor
Murchison Drilling School

Drilling Supervisor Surface & Subsea

Drilling practices/hole problems, abnormal pressure zones, heavy mud practices, well control,lost circulation, stuck pipe.
K&M Technology ERD School

Extended Reach Drilling Techniques

High angle extended reach drilling (ERD) and tripping practices, evaluate actual vs.theoretical T&D and hydraulics values. Forecasting torque &
drag loads of hole sections.
Shell Round 2 Certification

Shell Oil Round 2 Wells Engineering Diploma

Competency certification in drilling methods & technologies including well
control, directional drilling, drilling problems, fishing, fluids, casing design, well abandonment, rock mechanics, geology, bits, coring & cementing technologies.


2008 - Current
Shell Oil Company

Senior Lead Drilling Supervisor

Senior lead drilling supervisor in the Gulf of Mexico with Shell Deepwater TLP & Spar drilling & completions operations.

2006 - 2008
Ultra Petroleum Corp

Senior Drilling Supervisor

Project drilling supervisor in the Pinedale Anticline. Highly pressured & underbalanced drilling with geomechanical constraints requiring Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) techniques.

2005 - 2006
K&M Technology

Lead Drilling Supervisor

Complex project drilling supervisor for extended reach drilling, workover on 3-zone Intelligent Completion Systems on PXP platform Hidalgo & platform Irene, offshore California.

2000 - 2005
Scientific Drilling International

Senior Directional Driller

Standard, horizontal, Underbalanced CBM and whipstock re-entry projects. Global operations in Japan, Australia, Canada & USA.

1996 - 2000
Sperry-Sun Drilling Services

Senior Directional Driller

Standard, horizontal, multi-lateral, N2 , Geothermal, Underbalanced CBM and whipstock re-entry projects. Global operations in Europe, Middle-East, South America & Australia.

1990 - 1996
Anadrill Schlumberger

Senior Directional Driller

Standard, horizontal and whipstock re-entry projects. Global operations in West Africa, Middle-East, North Sea Norwegian Sector and United States. MWD engineer & new technology development.

1986 - 1990
Trumter Petroleum Corp

Drilling Engineer

Drilling operations manager and reservoir engineering. Drilling and production field operations and management including standard vertical drilling, production maintenance, secondary & tertiary workovers, waterflood design.

1983 - 1984
Maxwell-Herring Drilling Co.

Derrickman / Chain-hand

Drilling operations running land drilling rigs including maintenance of the pumps, drilling fluids and the derrick operations. Working morning tour while attending petroleum engineering school.

1980 - 1983
Delta Drilling Company

Floorhand / Derrickman

General drilling operations and maintenance of drilling rig machinery, derrick, drilling fluids. Land rigs in South and East Texas.

1979 - 1980
Rotary Drilling Company


General drilling operations and maintenance of drilling rig machinery, derrick, drilling fluids. Land rigs in South and East Texas.

Work Locations

United States

Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, California, Utah, Wyoming and Offshore Federal Waters


Nigeria, Cameroon, Zaire, Congo, Cabinda, Angola


Perth, Northwest Shelf, Indian Ocean, Queensland

Middle East

Qatar, United Arab Emerates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman


Monterrey, Veracruz, Tampico, Poza Rica, Campeche


Bari, Arecuna, El Tigre, Lake Maricaibo


North Sea, Norwegian Sector


Northern Alberta Province


Malaysia, South China Sea, Phillippines, Japan


  • Conventional & Deep Water
  • High Angle / Horizontal
  • Medium / Short Radius
  • Rotary Steerable RSS
  • Multi-Laterals
  • Complex Geometry
  • Extended Reach
  • Managed Pressure Drilling
  • Rigs & Platforms

  • Compound land rigs
  • SCR / Computerized Rigs
  • Skidded Rigs
  • Swamp Barges
  • Tender Assisted
  • Jackups
  • Semi-Submersibles
  • Drill Ships
  • Tension Leg Platforms TLP
  • Spars
  • Drilling Conditions

  • -70°F  ~Arctic Circle
  • 160°F  ~Sahara Desert
  • 9,000 ft. above sea level
  • 8,029 ft. ocean depth
  • Peripheral

  • Effective Rig Spanish
  • IADC Supervisor(Surface & Subsea)
  • Current Passport
  • Current TWIC
  • Current HUET
  • Shell Round 2 Engineering cert
  • Published technical author
  • SPE Lifetime Member #23343214
  • Advanced computer programming
  • Musician
  • Media

    Click on catagory links or images below

    West Africa

    South America




    Middle East

    North America

    Slide Rules

    Mars Science Laboratory "Curiosity" EDL

    Shell Auger Platform

    Space Shuttle Launch

    Meloncholy Blues by Kevin Ward

    Just Got Back from Baby's

    How Long Lead

    Bonamassa Blazing Solo

    The Cajon

    Ward Ranch Creek Crossing

    Deer Feeder

    Baby Coyotes

    Ward Ranch Tank #4


    Communication / Request Full Resume
